
For Kippi

For a close friend's dog who is in doggie heaven now. We miss you Kippi. This will go in a frame for them along with the journaling.

On Sunday we just couldn't stop thinking about that sweet dog. I wrote this while we tried to help our friends cope with the very hard decision no pet owner ever wants to have to make.

Part One
She Was A Good Dog.

Within these five little words there lies so much meaning.
In your hearts she will always be. In our hearts she will always remain. From all the moments in between her first day at the pound and her last day in your arms, you will gain strength from memories that will fill your hearts with pride, joy, laughter, love, anger, pain, loss.

Each day a little.
Everyday a bit more of her life to remember.

A small dog without a home became so much a part of one.
Curious puppy.
Energetic puppy.
Naughty puppy.
Cute, loyal, loving, and playful.

She was a friend.
A companion during cold nights.
A warm blanket on cold toes.
A snuggle when you really needed it.
Greeting guests with a wagging tail,
A wet nose kiss and
A wet tongue meant she was happy to see you.
As did her bark, which you will swear, you still hear.
Her soft swishy tail will always seem to be just going around the corner as you turn your head.

As she grew older she still always came to greet you, just a bit slower and
more steady.
Stayed near the little ones, even hamsters, like a mother.
Sweetest, gentlest, dog mama.
Quiet contemplation behind soft brown eyes.

She had her favorite spots in your house but more so,
She was a part of you, part of your family for so long.
She knows you forgive her for all her mistakes.
She knows there were no easy answers.
She's going to be in everyone's hearts forever.
Because she was a good dog.

Part Two

She Was Easy To Love.

Five more little words to consider.
You showed her your love in so many ways.
There was always a soft bed, be it her own or yours.
A loving home.
A full treat jar.
A long walk.
Visits with doggie friends or the park.
A pat or scratch behind the ears.
A long conversation or furry hug
Where, perhaps, you learned the power of simple, unconditional love.
Always giving one last tummy rub and
A full water bowl before you left the house.
Chew toys and sudsy, messy baths.
Making the fireworks be less scary.
Installing a doggie door.
She was in a home filled with thoughtful care and
She was deeply loved.
Because she was easy to love.


side note: this is my own illustration of doggie treat jars {my version of them at least} I'm good at doodling on a scrap piece of paper, in fact the more obscure the better, but put a clean sheet of Strathmore watercolor or nice smooth bristol paper in front of me and I freeze.
what's up with that? So this was done on a piece of plain old white printer paper that already had the kid's doodles on it, a grocery list, and someone's phone number. I scanned it in then digitally added the colors and background that says "a wish for you"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Maria,
So sorry to hear about your friends dog. I can't even imagine losing our family dog.
I'm also leaving a comment here to let you know that you have won some magistical memories goodies, you posted on my blog for a RAK. I have tons and would love to send you some. please email me so that we can chat. Thanks. bucket

Watercolor thank you

Still enjoying the watercolor for card makers class. Since I wasn't able to follow along each day I'm still busy practicing some of...